Ultimately this site came to be because of a few different things. I use to have an awesome site that Daniel Goldman and Morgan Enroughty built for me. It was my professional services site for Richmond Stunts. It saw a lot of traffic, answered a lot of questions for filmmakers and provided a showcase of the work my team and I have done over the years. Then it got hacked. But not like a simple hack. It was a vicious, big dick in the ass, no lube hack. So after months of getting the run-around from my host, mediatemple.net, about how the malware was still in my site after I paid them to remove, twice!
Since I wasn't soliciting stunt services anymore I didn't see the need to put building a site before mountain biking or skiing. Well, the other day I said, you know, I really want a website again. I've got cool shit to show off, neat and interesting stories to tell and I'm tired of facebook, so I start looking into SquareSpace.com I heard it advertised numerous times on podcast such as The James Altucher Show and Ted Talks and decided to take a look and see what it's all about. I transferred my domains to Google Domains beta thinking it would add an extra layer of security and because Google Domains beta has one click services that tie my domain directly to my squarespace account, getting setup was a breeze.
So there you go, had a cool site that showed me blowing up cars and now I'm in the process of adding content from me blowing up cars and doing a bit of personal writing and this is my first entry. Stay tuned, cool stuff to come.
Here's a super grainy photo of Morgan and I on set after I smashed a bunch of cars up. Yeah, the iPhone couldn't capture twilight shots in 2011 either.